The "santissima Trinidad" Is Gone

Maximo Nicoletti, interesting character. The stuff movies are made of.
Looks like the Arg government has done what HM's Navy was unable to do......

When Argentina first acquired the Type 42 class destroyers, back in the 70s, they were the most expensive, advanced and well armed vessels any navy outside of the US and USSR could hope to own and operate at the time. Their arrival completely upset the naval balance of power in the region, as they dramatically outgunned the old WWII era ships that the Brazilian Navy operated at the time.

It is just mind blowing to see how far the once feared Armada de la República Argentina has fallen over the past 30 years.

But lets not forget that the current state of the Argentinian Navy shows how much theatrics the Cameron government is doing in regards of the Falklands issues.
Yes the warm glow surrounding ARA from La Fregata Libertad's return has faded rather

Still there is plenty of serviceable stuff around to be bought cheap and done up

Pro Chilian acolytes amoungst us will be pleased to have pointed out to them that is exactly what has been done with the type 22Batch II HMS Sheffield renamed Admirante Williams

NB ignore the jingoism Sea Wolfs were far too sophisticated to do the job required in the South Atlantic at the time and have been upgraded

The Falklands conflict and the demonstrable effectiveness of French Exocets but more importantly the Soviets leaving the North Atlantic required a substantial revision in RN warship design and the later batches of type 22 Frigates were a short term compromise whilst more effective and advanced designs were protyped and tested out - and await funding and building!

On the other hand there are contrary views on the subject!

"special radar deflecting paint!" talk about jingoism thát is worthy of The Sun!!

British defence expenditure shows no sign of "theatrics the Cameron government is doing in regards of the Falklands issues"

whatever that means :lol:

One type 45 Daring class destroyer on station plus support below surface is enough to deal with any predictable navel threat in the South Atlantic Type 45 has more than four times the punch of the type 42s being replaced

More problematic would be La Campora staging a publicity attracting stunt - and landing and planting a flag on the Falklands emulating the escapades in 1964 1966 and 1968 possibly this time by motor boat rather than light or hijacked aircraft to further inflame the situation and seek to drag a reluctant UN into a no win situation
Maximo Nicoletti, interesting character. The stuff movies are made of.

Yes - the Italian auxiliary ship Olterra sunk in Algerceras was used for exactly the same objective in the 2WW to attack Gibralter


This was one of a number of Italian special underwater opps ... who were the best around and virtually created on their own a new form of conducting warfare. Churchill/Mountbatten modelled the SBS partially on them

Buster Crabb another larger than life character was one diver involved in trying to anticipate and neutralise their efforts - which was actually made into a film. Crabb later took on the Soviets and died in extraordinary and unexplained circumstances
Yes the warm glow surrounding ARA from La Fregata Libertad's return has faded rather

Still there is plenty of serviceable stuff around to be bought cheap and done up

The royal navy are quite good salesmen!

Compare this:

With this:

They almost look as bad as the santissima Trinidad :D
So, according to the government, the sinking of the Santissima Trinidad could have been an act of sabotage. Now the question is: Who would want to sabotage a ship that has been decommissioned and left to rot at the dock since 2004?

An even more interesting question is: Why it has ALWAYS to be someone else's fault?

Desde el Gobierno no descartan que el hundimiento del Santísima Trinidad se haya tratado de un sabotaje

Magneto used his mutant clarin powers to control the magnetic fields and sink it!


Damn you Magneto!
So, according to the government, the sinking of the Santissima Trinidad could have been an act of sabotage. Now the question is: Who would want to sabotage a ship that has been decommissioned and left to rot at the dock since 2004?

An even more interesting question is: Why it has ALWAYS to be someone else's fault?


She's an abomination.
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