The "santissima Trinidad" Is Gone

The royal navy are quite good salesmen!

Compare this:

With this:

They almost look as bad as the santissima Trinidad :D

How did you manage to get these photos uploaded? I wanted to upload a couple of pics to demonstrate that form and function in warship design dont have to match. All I get is that my limit for pics has been reached! I tried asking admin previously how I could delete some earlier pics to create more space and got no reply. :mad:

And showing two different pics of Type 22 Batch 3 Frigates - HMS Cambeltown F86 stbd beam and the four Type 22s now up for sale ex HMS Chatham, Campbeltown, Cumberland and Cornwall stbd bow. Your point being? :confused:

I mentioned before that Chile had bought up an earlier type 22 in 2003 ex F96 Sheffield ISF1988 and regunned. Chile also bought up three type 23s and refitted

As for the appearance of type 22s you are not the first to comment - you can read further on the other links I posted if really interested in what all that superstructure is about.

I remember delivery crewing in a Sigma 36 off Portland Bill when Type 22s were stationed in Portland and meeting and greeting the flottila - the Sigma skipper for the delivery trip was an ex RN Captain who took delight in catching out the RN deck Officer by dipping the Sigma's ensign requiring each Type 22 to return the compliment in sequence. From the cockpit of a Sigma 36 they looked indeed impressive crossing our bows even with turbines at half speed and half a mile away! The Sigma skipper had commanded type 22s so had a lot to say about them!
How did you manage to get these photos uploaded? I wanted to upload a couple of pics to demonstrate that form and function in warship design dont have to match. All I get is that my limit for pics has been reached!

Just don't upload the picture. Link to it instead. There is a "link" button. Select it and past the picture URL into it. This way, you should have no issues.
Thanks Camberiu :) but I have had probs that way also - when I get messages that I cant upload that type of file format! e.g off Flickr even when open copyright :mad: Ill try again sometime

To paraphrase Robert Cox who has as good as said that the two essential elements of Peronism are Bullying and Bribery Id add at least the further "B" ... for Blame!

But Blame Games are not and never have been just the essential preserve of Argentine Governments!! :lol:

As for creating myths about the "Enemy Within" and acts of "terrorism" now has that a familiar ring or not? :D
But Blame Games are not and never have been just the essential preserve of Argentine Governments!! :lol:

But would be nice to seem them owning up to something ONCE. I mean, every government tries to place blame elsewhere most if the time. But since I got here, I have never, ever, seen this government take responsibility for ANYTHING. Not once.

I mean, sabotage? Seriously? How can the administration even say that with a straight face?

As for creating myths about the "Enemy Within" and acts of "terrorism" now has that a familiar ring or not? :D
Yeah, they are master of that.

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