The vicepresident's murder attempt


Oct 20, 2019
Well things just heated up. A Brazilian guy just shot (or tried to shoot) a gun at CFKs head at near point blank range, but missed or didn’t actually fire, out front of her house.

Guess she needed that police security afterall…
That video is wild how could he miss from that distance? Wonder if this is a setup?
The Bolsonaro effect perhaps, voters love a victim? She is either very lucky or things just got depraved in terms of the level of cynicism at play.
unbelievable. the amount of drama in this country is neverending.

maybe his pistol jammed.
Does anybody else feel this country is pretty close to the brink now? The stakes are pretty high (judicially, economically, politically) and powerful, unscrupulous people and groups are cornered and getting desperate.
I sometimes wonder this, then I remember that it's been worse before, there's been literal coups here by the military in the not too distant past. Not that the bar should be "Hey, at least a generalissimo isn't on the balcony of the Casa Rosada" but we're not at the Isabel signing death squad DNUs point yet either.

Also, all things considered, it's not like the United States, Europe, Canada, etc. are all bastions of stability and peace at the moment either. You have people who literally want to, and have tried to murder FBI agents, so while inflation is tamer in the US it's not totally different than here.

Well things just heated up. A Brazilian guy just shot (or tried to shoot) a gun at CFKs head at near point blank range, but missed or didn’t actually fire, out front of her house.

Guess she needed that police security afterall…
I started writing before this got published, and I still stand by what I said, that being said, might be important to remember where you were/what you were doing when this happened tonight.
Well with all this drama, it is almost certain that for the next few months no one will be talking about inflation, hunger, adjustment or certain court cases.
Cue the cadena nacional at 23:00.
cadena nacional? I know cadena means chain

On the main subject, thank GOD she's alright. Going to go watch the news
Well things just heated up. A Brazilian guy just shot (or tried to shoot) a gun at CFKs head at near point blank range, but missed or didn’t actually fire, out front of her house.

Guess she needed that police security afterall…

Guess Larretas Barriers, weren't a wild provocation..! Would have allowed her to enter her residence without being mobbed ...!!! Larreta bring back the Barriers..!
cadena nacional? I know cadena means chain

On the main subject, thank GOD she's alright. Going to go watch the news
It’s the national broadcasting system that will air on all channels similar to what we saw during the pandemic. Alberto will apparently speak at 23:00.

Guess Larretas Barriers, weren't a wild provocation..! Would have allowed her to enter her residence without being mobbed ...!!! Larreta bring back the Barriers..!
Very interesting that just before this happens, despite Alberto reporting there were death threats floating about when justifying his Nisman comments, a K judge orders the city police back from her residence as apparently it is the responsibility of the Federal Police, after meeting with Grabois etc. Yet despite their presence, the advance intelligence Alberto said he had and the fact she has a security detail of like 100 agents something like this still happens. Especially in this climate of extreme polarization where unacceptable acts of extreme violence are more likely to occur. Now Grabois is blaming the lack of police. All very bizarre.
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One dark night when we were all in bed,
Mrs O'Leary lit a candle in the shed,
and when the cow kicked it over,
she winked her eye and said,
"It'll be a hot time,
in the old town,

Funky to watch. He had the muzzle of the pistol maybe 3-4" from her right eye, and you see it bobble as he jerks the trigger and nothing happens.
I think he had the safety on. It happens.