The Yo-Yo as a hook for love!

Such a beautiful story, Ricardo.... thanks for posting the link.

Are you still a yo-yo master? My mother was great at it, but I could never make it work.
Yo-Yo's were a wonderful toy. Once, while staying in a hotel in a far away city, a team of professional soccer players was in the same hotel, and before you knew, half the team was practicing the yo-yo. Great way to kill time and be fascinated too.

No, I am no longer a master at it.
That was the part of the story that I was missing; I had no clue that you were a yo-yo professional. Great story, Ricardo!
When I was a child, I became interested in yo-yos when we had to look inside the Coca-Cola bottle lids to see if we had won a yo-yo and I won one.
that's a great story!

why were girls not allowed in the hotel rooms??
You have no idea how different argentina was in social matters, 45 years ago. I was once forced off the local train for wearing shorts. The country club i belonged to, in Hurlingham, gave me a choice: cut my long hair and be allowed to enter the club, or resign. I also spent a week locked up, in a single cell 8 ft long and four wide, with mo toilet and all concrete, in a local comisaria in Palermo for having being caught with an ounce of marihuana. And i have many more stories. Today, i sometimes see lesbian kissing in public transportation and i am amazed at how much society has changed. For the better!
Women and girls had to wear gloves to go out - in summer, too....! Horrid starched cotton ones. There were shops selling only gloves.

Divorced people could not belong to our local San Isidro club.

When someone died, close female relatives had to wear only black for six months, and grey and lavender for another six months. Men wore a black band on their jacket's sleeve. No music or dancing at home at least for three months. How much have things changed!
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In the 70s, I was a teenager and I remember once I had to get off the bus because I was wearing a mini-short outfit and it was perceived by some people as something immoral; not to mention that later on, wearing shorts was forbidden to local citizens by the Junta Militar. The only ones allowed to wear shorts during the dictatorship were foreign tourists.
That's a wonderful story. Congratulations.
And to think it all started by fooling around with a Yo Yo!!!
Would love to have seen your mother in law's face when she found out her daughter was marrying a Yo Yo salesman!!!.
That's what I call a love story.
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