Thinking Of Ba As New Home


Jul 22, 2014
Hello, my husband and I served as Peace Corps volunteers in Paraguay a while back and are thinking of relocating, possibly to BA, after years of living and working in a lot of other places, including Honduras, Morocco, Haiti, and Burkina Faso. Look forward to interacting with you, not sure I can add much to the conversation at this point, but thanks for having me/us.

Just saw your post. Welcome to the forum.

Not many people know Paraguay very well here, it seems to me. My wife (and therefore the rest of the very large family :) ) are from close to Arroyito, near Horqueta.and Tacuara, departamento Concepcion. Mother, father, two daughters and a brother still live there, the rest having immigrated here as productive, hard working and legal residents (thanks to the very hard work from my wife).

The family talks about visits from Peace Corps folk when they were kids and the one common theme is how they all spoke better Guarani then the Paraguans themselves did. I'm still trying to get them to teach me :) "It's in the blood or not."

Have you visited Buenos Aires in your time in South America? With your resume, I'm sure you must have some kind of an idea of the relative benefits and drawbacks. Buenos Aires is a decent place to live overall. It has its issues, easily found described in the forum.

I sometimes think I'd prefer to live somewhere around Asuncion - I think Paraguayans are really nice people for the most part, although sometimes you have to watch yourself, but that's true the world over. But there's something to be said to be living in a large metropolitan city like BA, if you can afford it. Besides, in my case my family prefers it here for the most part. They have some unpleasant memories related to rich and/or powerful people back home and their relationship to them...