Thousands of Argentines, with terror of being expelled

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Lucas said:
I give you the link: Requisitos para obtener Visa de Turismo

Requisitos para obtener Visa de Turismo
Pasaporte válido u otro documento de viaje reconocido por la República Argentina.
Formulario de solicitud (provisto por el Consulado)
1 fotografía 4 x 4
Pasaje de ida y vuelta
Pago del arancel consular
Probar medios económicos para la estadía
El plazo máximo de permanencia que pueden otorgar las Oficinas Consulares es de noventa (90) días.
Dicho plazo puede prorrogarse por una única vez, por igual lapso al otorgado, (TOTAL 180 DIAS) presentándose en cualquiera de las Delegaciones de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones antes de que expire el plazo originalmente concedido.
Para obtener la prórroga se debe abonar el arancel correspondiente.

Weird stuff, I didn't know I need to go to the local embassy to get a tourism visa. Thanks mate, the next time I am back I will do that
qwerty said:
Weird stuff, I didn't know I need to go to the local embassy to get a tourism visa. Thanks mate, the next time I am back I will do that

The consulate is kind enough to provide it to you on the airplane or at the airport. Don't you remember filling out that form?
mini said:
The consulate is kind enough to provide it to you on the airplane or at the airport. Don't you remember filling out that form?

I do, but I don't remember them asking for a photo on the plane...

or proof of medios económicos for my stay.
qwerty said:
Weird stuff, I didn't know I need to go to the local embassy to get a tourism visa. Thanks mate, the next time I am back I will do that

I can send you a document written in blood if that make you happy.

Please read the following MIGRATION LAW (Law 25.871) translated by crappy Google (English)

And here the original in Spanish MIGRACIONES (Ley 25.871)

Check articles No. 26-25-26

I must admit that the Google translator is so bad that it's almost incompressible, but in Spanish is very clear....(solution, learn Spanish)

BTW, Who said this in Phoenix, AZ....

'If it wasn't for all you immigrants, this country wouldn't have s--.'

To find out click HERE!
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