And of course, being the officer of the court that you are, you wouldn't say this without hard proof. Did you see the receipts?
However, you do not have a so high standard to acusse the former President. It is called hipocresy?
I m not accusing, i m alleguing on the lack of credibility of the accusation against CFK because until now because I smell rotten fish as soon as Singer got what he wanted based on the Lanata show.
Lanata was investigating the law firm that is involved on the Panama papers scandal. I remember him asserting that this law firm was involved in the K money route.
That law firm stated that Lanata was financed by Singer.
There were no CFK offshores there, but a lot related of offshores to the officialism.
FYI what I m doing is call critizism of public officers and this is the ABC of the republian system of government and the only limit is actual malice not the hypocrite standard Larson use for Macri, totally different that the one he uses with CFK.
CFK and Macri must be criminally investigated by non biased judges. Bonadio is biased.
I m not at officer of Court and this is not a criminal trial.
Maybe, but then accusations towards the former (or indeed current President) are not baseless. EJLarson was talking about you saying Lanata was paid by Singer, which seems baseless. So again, the simply question is, what proof or source do you have for the accusation you made. It should be a simple answer.
I am not saying the proof or sources do not exist either, I don't know, which is why you should provide the basis for your accusation.
Bajo, you are really becoming boring, and that's too bad - you were often entertaining. Let's review:
YOU said that Paul Singer paid Lanata. I asked you to provide some - any - proof of that assertion.
YOU jumped up and down, yelling and pointing at Macri: "Look at him! Look at him!" But what about Singer and Lanata? When did you answer that question? Oh, right ... never. And to think you have the cojones to call someone else hypocritical?
Sorry, Bajo, you've become too predictable to even be entertaining. Too bad.
(And you are an officer of the court - oficial de juzgado. That means you are held to a higher standard of truth and ethics - even when you're not in court. Right.)
You are a little pathetic playing to be a lawyer. Hellooooooooo, this is a forum and we are not at Court..
It is pathetic too to ask for evidence when you and me can read about this in the news papers. Should I go to Panama with a hidden camera to satisfy your deliriums? I think not.
It is also pathetic to defend a President who has a lot of offshores and every day we know about a new one. He has to be judged. And if the former president washed money, she should go to jail too.
This is the only one President who asserts that is completely OK to have hidden offshores. Hilarious.
But even worst is to be hypocrite.
Hey Bajo can you quote a source that mentions the 16 offshore accounts/Inc.'s where Macri participates....?