Tis The Season: Power Outages

Nuestros amigos que estan en Edenor(sur)
Sanctificadas sean sus acciones.
que tengan piedad en nosotros, sus pobres usuarios,
que contamos con vosotros y sus decisiones de barrios iluminados
o apagados.
Les prometemos que no nos quejaremos demasiado de los aumentos que se vienen
a pesar de lo acostumbrado de pagar centavos por sus servicios.
Que haya aire acondicionado en nuestros hogares y luz para seguir viendo a Tinelli
y si pueden aun seguir con subsido en mi cuadra, aun mas sanctificado sea su nombre.
As I watch those poor souls blocking the streets in Villa de Parque and Caballito. I'm in fear that in a few nanoseconds I may be in the Dark....! The Damocles Sword is above all our heads...! :eek:
its actually quite strange

The guys in Villa del Parque had no elec for two days. Its on the news channels and they get switched on in two hours !

We are only one block away from these guys !
You can find if preventive cuts are scheduled in your neighborhood or when service is due back if outage is unexpected. http://www.enre.gov.ar/

How to file a claim: http://www.protectora.org.ar/servicios-publicos-agua-luz-gas-y-transporte/corte/23665/
When we see on TV hundreds of homes without power, elevators , water ,carrying buckets up 15 floors. One cringes Fearing that in the next minute may be in the dark.... :mad:
We live quite close to the American embassy, we had a power outage last Friday night and it lasted 30 hours!!! No elevators, no water, the usual.