To the critics with no opinion of their own

perry said:
Its amazing that people like Gouchobob have the nerve to continue with his ridiculuos rants against Argentina considering the millions of USA citizens who have been chucked out on the street for not paying their illegal home loans created and abbetted by big business. They are strangely silent about the USA downfall and the loss of freedoms there that amount to a dictatorial state .

I know of very few people who have suffered homelessness because of non payment of home loans in Buenos Aires but in the USA is it common with a rising underclass eaking out a existense in trailer parks and their own cars.

Buenos Aires and Argentina are much better places to live than the USA for many reasons .

I love Buenos Aires and would rather live in BA than most any city in the USA....despite rather than because of the federal government in Argentina.
perry said:
Its amazing that people like Gouchobob have the nerve to continue with his ridiculuos rants against Argentina considering the millions of USA citizens who have been chucked out on the street for not paying their illegal home loans created and abbetted by big business. They are strangely silent about the USA downfall and the loss of freedoms there that amount to a dictarial state .

I know of very few people who have suffered homelessness because of non payment of home loans in Buenos Aires but in the USA is it common with a rising underclass eaking out a existense in trailer parks and their own cars.

Buenos Aires and Argentina are much better places to live than the USA for many reasons .

This seems to be something else that happens regularly when we get into one of these discussions. It goes like this, make a derogatory comment about the poster, then make some silly statement about how bad the USA is, usually totally unrelated to the topic at hand. I always take this as a sign that the person making these statements is unable to articulate their own position with any logic or facts.
gouchobob said:
This seems to be something else that happens regularly when we get into one of these discussions. It goes like this, make a derogatory comment about the poster, then make some silly statement about how bad the USA is, usually totally unrelated to the topic at hand. I always take this as a sign that the person making these statements is unable to articulate their own position with any logic or facts.

You have been making degratory remarks about Argentina and the current government for over 4 years . Nothing you have said has come to pass either though you are wishing the worse for us as it will satisfy your quest to prove a point.

The USA in this time has been changed irrevocably with a economic downturn that seems to be getting worse. The real unemployment figures in the USA and the growing homelessness of the population is a huge concern .

I suggest that you look at your own backyard before you continue making illinformed remarks about Argentina.
Argentina and US bashing!

This thread is going to make great reading.:D

Advertisement: First rate mud, fit for throwing, available in batches of 100 kg - 40 centavos c/u
Lucas said:
"... certain monopolistic media conglomerates ...

The trend continues, with the continuing aggregation of media into fewer cartels, the complete saturation of corporate media channels by the messages produced by interest groups, the intolerance of independent voices by establishments.

The joy of the internet was for a while its complete lack of penetration by this corporate message industry.

Do people when they rant and repeat in independent internet channels the messages they heard the day before from corporate interest groups really think that its just therapy, and not mindless co-opting of their voice?
Snce the US economy has been introduced to this thread....

The economy in the USA is recovering. Since the DOW Jones Average hit a low of 6500, it has moved upward to over 12,000. Unemployment, while still too high at around 9%, is well below its highs. The homeless population has shown a very slight increase during all the turmoil in the economy and the housing crisis because the USA has a lot of assisted housing options. Most chronic homelessness in the USA is due to factors such as alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness rather than unemployment due to the recession.

The biggest problems for the USA going forward....a federal deficit that continues to grow almost out of control and the continued aftermath of the housing bubble/crash. Part of the problem with bankruptcies was policies designed to help the very people that wound up getting hurt the worst--people with lower incomes were approved for higher mortgages than was prudent so when the economy tanked they could no longer afford bigger and more expensive homes. It will take sometime to recover from this mess....although housing prices are showing signs of going up in many markets in the USA.
dr__dawggy said:
Snce the US economy has been introduced to this thread....

The economy in the USA is recovering. ...

I like this post, as a perfect example of reiteration of the investment industry's marketing PR messages into independent discussion channels. The post contains no independent information to clarify any of the generalizations, nor relate them to the forum's context. Isn't it just dilution of independent thought with corporate messages?
John.St said:
Argentina and US bashing!

This thread is going to make great reading.:D

Advertisement: First rate mud, fit for throwing, available in batches of 100 kg - 40 centavos c/u

There are many English, French, and American sayings that try to help keep discussions like these positive, "People who live in glass houses, ... " "We look at ourselves and weep, ..." "Don't sh*t where you eat" "Pissing into the wind" and so on. Are there any related Argentine sayings that we can learn while we are at it?
clooz said:
I like this post, as a perfect example of reiteration of the investment industry's marketing PR messages into independent discussion channels. The post contains no independent information to clarify any of the generalizations, nor relate them to the forum's context. Isn't it just dilution of independent thought with corporate messages?
1. Read the thread. Numerous posts have pictured the USA on the verge of Collapse. I did not introduce this subject. I simply chose to refute this false notion.

2. Read my post. I used statistics to show that while the USA is not as robust as it should be,it is recovering nicely from a recession.

3. Read the links re: "independent" corroboration-- the Dow Jones Industrial Average has nearly doubled since the economic collapse and that the rate of unemployment is down. These are facts not propaganda, corporate or otherwise.