Whether dollarisation is or is not a good idea and whether it can even be implemented is debatable Your description of O'Grady, however is emotional and reactionary. I do not always agree with her but when I do disagree - with her or others - I do not resort to silly name calling as an argument.
I find it amusing you are calling me a reactionary.
She is the dictionary definition of a reactionary.
I dont mind at all if you call me a progressive, a social democrat, even a socialist...
I admit my calling her a "kook" is an opinion.
However, to say she is paid by right wing think tanks is proven fact.
She is not an economist, a historian, or a particular expert on south america.
She is, and has been for her entire adult life, a paid publicist for the ultra wealthy- working for the opinion section of the WSJ since 1996, which is not journalism. She has been on the board, currently earning $50,000 a year, from the ultra right wing libertarian Liberty Fund for 25 years. This is an organisation funded by one right wing millionaire.
Her two noted "journalism awards" on her own CV are both from right wing organisations which exist to encourage right wing causes, not normal journalism awards.
She is routinely paid to speak by other fringe organisations funded by millionaires, like Cato, for example.
She is on the extreme fringe, thats fact.
In my research, Milei is the first libertarian ever to win more than 10% in a national election in any country at any time.
normally, libertarians are lucky to get 3% of the vote in right wing districts.
As a prominent libertarian writer, that puts her to the right of 97% of the populace pretty much anywhere, and even among conservatives she is in a tiny tiny minority.
She has been writing opinion pieces defending the richest of the rich and the global corporations her entire career.
None of her beliefs are commonly accepted by economists, historians, or the vast majority of people who study South America, Politics, or Economies.