Top Palermo Private Hospital?


Jan 6, 2010
Hi gang. Just moved into the Palermo / Las Canitas area and wanted to know what the top hospital is in the area for emergencies and for typical doctor visit stuff. I have insurance so it can be private ones. Thanks for any suggestions and personal experiences.
I'd go to La Trinidad, which is not good at all, however, for more serious conditions.
Trinidad, without a doubt. A good friend of mine was in there for two weeks last month. We were very impressed by the level of attention he received. Argentine friends all say its one of the very best in the country. You'll pay for it though!
I went to la Trinidad ER. It was Saturday night and packed! but I got to see someone in about an hour or an hour and a half. Diagnosis was quick and the medication prescribed helped a lot. They take OSDE if you have it.

When I went I also happened to have the onset of pinkeye and was told they don't have an ophtomologist, so just keep that in mind.
Trinidad has a good reputation but why limit yourself to Palermo? I prefer IADT
I was hospitalized last month and at recommendations from local friends went to Hospital Aleman (Recoleta). I was very happy with the quality of my care and the docs.
Los Arcos, however there are various institutions that are THE best in what they do (ie Favoloro for heart etc).
In Palermo for an emergency or life threatening situation, I would go to public hospital Fernandez. For the rest, Trinidad, Bazterrica, Los Arcos.
Had a baby in La Suiza and emergency treatment in Otamendi, both fantastic.
Otamendi, la Suizo, IADT, etc are in Recoleta, not Palermo :)