Tour Operators?

Gringoboy said:
This is either 'A bridge too far' or 'Big brother'
Whatever next?
Aye, getting more and more both Orwellian and Huxleyan by the minute :eek:
You guys misread the note. They are trying to control the travel agencies. The issue is this... The travel agencies can buy unlimited dollars at the official rate. So when the client buys a travel package for $2000 USD, the agency can buy the dollars and declare that the client paid them in pesos. Then the agency tells the client that they need to pay in dollars and the travel agency acts as a cueva, selling those same dollars to the client at the blue rate. So they make their commission plus the difference between the blue and the official dollar.

I know of at least one travel agency recommended by baexpat users the operates as a cueva, so this is a real issue. AFIP is trying to stop this practice.
el_expatriado said:
You guys misread the note. They are trying to control the travel agencies.

According to this Infobae article, they are trying to control the people as well:

"La AFIP tiene un doble objetivo. Por un lado, el tema de la evasión, y por el otro, saber qué paquete turístico compra tal persona o a qué lado fue. La AFIP determina, en función del lugar adonde vaya, un gasto mínimo diario. Por ejemplo, si usted viaja a los Estados Unidos, se calcula un gasto de 120 dólares diarios"

So basically, if Juan Perez goes to the US and spends more than what AFIP finds to be acceptably within his financial means, they are going to be on his ass.

Welcome to Argenvenecuba.
See your point and agree the intent is to close a loop hole. However, it appears the Government has attached some Draconian measures. AFIP has this magical algorithm that will approve or disapprove a travel request based on income, expenses and whatever. Seems about the same magical formula used to approve or disapprove the purchase of dollars and has been abused. People with legitimate and legal income have been rejected because the Government does not feel like selling dollars. The whole thing is arbitrary and an abuse of power in my view.