Tourist Bank Account


Dec 18, 2021

The Tourist Bank Account was supposed to be introduced this year. Does anybody know whether this is already available?

Also if you open that tourist bank account and stay in Argentina for more than 6 months, do you think that the bank will inform the gov. that the person is now a tax-resident in Argentina?

Many thanks
I think its best to file tourist bank account" alongside the "digital nomad visa" under "Things that will never happen".
Along with complete removal of mask regulations and return to normalcy. Businesses here will continue to enforce occupancy restrictions because it is in line with their interests. As long as they can serve one person at a time they don't care about the rest. In reality it makes their job easier and provides a convenient excuse for shitty customer service.
Most of the laws here are a joke anyway. labour laws (no one is hiring), ley de alquileres (no one is renting out), control de precios to combat inflation (never worked), ”illegal” dolar blue, solidarity tax that no one is paying, …. and the list goes on.
rich expats be like 'actually it would be good if workers had no rights and just had to serve me like slaves'
I've enjoyed this thread very much!

I think the tourist bank account should just consist of a cut-the-line pass at PagoFacil and a handy hard-case for Evitas free with every tourist visa stamp for faster, more practical results...and the digital nomad pass should be a 90-day DNI-free Telecentro contract.