Translation help

You can always specify the type of warehouse it is. If it's for wood, then "lumber warehouse" or even "lumber yard." If it's for grain and animal feed, then "feed warehouse" or even "feed barn." It really depends on what it is being used for which is why you're getting many terms for it. As it sits empty and could still be used for a variety of things, you could describe it as "a versatile warehouse perfect for any of your large storage needs."
From the picture it looks like it is a storage building for material like salt or fertilizer. Here in the state of Iowa we call those "metal buildings" or "pole barns" or idiomatically "Morton buildings". Morton is a brand name like "Kleenex" for tissue, but that is the best known brand name and is frequently used even if the building was built by a different company.

The "pole barn" name comes from the way they used to be built. The dimensions were laid out with string, based on the length of the available roof trusses. Lines of holes were dug and wood poles were placed in the holes. Those became the frame of the building then trusses, the roof and sides were added.