Travel From Ba To Posados

Love it when stories involve ''few clicks down the river'' and illegal border crossing ohh and a colombian in the picture!! that's how chuck norris' movies starts!!!!come on tell us more.... next time i wanna be there too :ph34r:

Well why didn't you ask....I would've been glad to have taken you along! You should get out of Buenos Aires more!!

Ohh...I also visited Easter Island as well earlier that year.....didn't see Chuck Norris though!! ;)

My friend Juan Carlos was a Colombian missionary who I met in bible college when I was living in Chile before I met my wife...

When we got done, we rented a car in Mendoza and traveled across argentina for 2 weeks camping and staying in hostels as we went.

We tried to get into Paraguay from Posadas for the afternoon...couldn't but the taxi driver said he knew of a local guy who lives a little ways out of town who ferries folks back and forth across for a few pesos. We decided against it because we didnt know the locals or the area.....

After that we visited Iguazu and then swung down through Corrientes, back across Entre Rios to Santa Fe, Cordoba and then San Luis and back to Mendoza.... I unfortunately haven't seen Patagonia or southern Argentina but I'd like too. However I've been all over northern and central Argentina save for JuJuy and Formosa. take that back haven't been to "LaPampa" privince.....yet.

My Colombian friend is now married, has a little boy and is serving as a full time missionary in Peru....

Here's a photo of us ( a very young me!! ) staying at a friend of mines house in Mendoza which was taken at the end of that same trip. We had just finished having an asado and we're enjoying hanging out and playing guitars. After this my friend returned to Colombia and I haven't seen him since although we do skype and talk via Facebook sometimes


I've had the time of my life here....literally an adventure to say the least......!
Paraguay has been kinda on my "doo-doo" list for a while now

I tried to hire a taxi to take me across to Encarnacion the border crossing on the bridge, got turned around, told to go to the Paraguayan consulate. So I went ehree and showed up, said they be glad to give me a "day pass" or like a temporary "day visa" for like $80 Us dollars. What pay $80 bucks just to go across the river for a few hours? I declined...

Needless to say "el tacho" told me about a guy that runs and illegal ferry across the Parana a few clicks out of town that can get me across for like $20 pesos. But, at that time me and my Colombian friend who was with me....we decided against it for good reason.

Anyways that's my Posadas Paraguay story.

Paraguay and Bolivia are the only 2 I haven't been able to get into yet.... :(

Well, Paraguay's at least cheaper than Brazil or Argentina, and they give you the visa on the spot. It's every bit as foolish as Argentina's retaliation fee, though.
Love it when stories involve ''few clicks down the river'' and illegal border crossing ohh and a colombian in the picture!! that's how chuck norris' movies starts!!!!come on tell us more.... next time i wanna be there too :ph34r:
Hmmm it wouldn't post my last comment...

Yes my friend and I met in bible college in Santago de Chile....we were room mates there.

We traveled to Mendoza by bus and then we rented a car in Mendoza and took a 2 week trip across central and northern Argentina and back, staying at campsites and hostels along the way.....the best vacation I've ever taken in my to do it again...if I could afford it :(

Here's pictures of a very young me and my Colombian friend "Juan Carlos" in Mendoza visiting with a friend at the end of that same trip. He's married now ( like me ) has a little boy and is a full time missionary in Peru nowadays.....


And on the bus coming over from Santiago to Mendoza...

Hmmm it wouldn't post my last comment...

Yes my friend and I met in bible college in Santago de Chile....we were room mates there.

We traveled to Mendoza by bus and then we rented a car in Mendoza and took a 2 week trip across central and northern Argentina and back, staying at campsites and hostels along the way.....the best vacation I've ever taken in my to do it again...if I could afford it :(

Here's pictures of a very young me and my Colombian friend "Juan Carlos" in Mendoza visiting with a friend at the end of that same trip. He's married now ( like me ) has a little boy and is a full time missionary in Peru nowadays.....


And on the bus coming over from Santiago to Mendoza...


So, you came to inflict your ideology on the helpless.
So, you came to inflict your ideology on the helpless.

I wouldn't use "inflict" rather "share" I think is a better way to describe it... share and let folks decide for themselves

I came through Calvary Chapel, which is an evanglical church headquartered in Golden Springs California... although my home church was in Florida...

Actually others had already "shared" and a few Churches were already planted in Mendoza, one is already a pretty good size....but we also did some work in Salta. It's where I met my beautiful wife for the first time ;)

Had great times and met alot of fantastic people...many of which who became my friends.... :lol:

But we didn't just minister to spiritual needs alone...rather we also traveled with doctors and dentists and nutritionists, we brought clothing, milk ( which alot of folks in rural argentina desperately need ) and then also stuff that's hard for them to get like toothepaste and toothbrushes....lot's of stuff. Our church ( at that time ) not only had a few small congregations planted up there but also a clinic as well.

My wife and I currently aren't active anymore for right now...
Paraguay has been kinda on my "doo-doo" list for a while now

I tried to hire a taxi to take me across to Encarnacion the border crossing on the bridge, got turned around, told to go to the Paraguayan consulate. So I went ehree and showed up, said they be glad to give me a "day pass" or like a temporary "day visa" for like $80 Us dollars. What pay $80 bucks just to go across the river for a few hours? I declined...

Needless to say "el tacho" told me about a guy that runs and illegal ferry across the Parana a few clicks out of town that can get me across for like $20 pesos. But, at that time me and my Colombian friend who was with me....we decided against it for good reason.

Anyways that's my Posadas Paraguay story.

Paraguay and Bolivia are the only 2 I haven't been able to get into yet.... :(

To be honest id avoid Paraguay. So corrupt, any irregularities in your documents and they wont allow you in unless you flash the cash. They drive like complete maniacs, the Argentines drive quite normal compared to the Paraguayans, add to the mix the odd cow, donkey that just casually wonders across the route. The roads usually have pot holes to swallow a small car and its said to be dangerous driving across country with foreign plates on. Although in the 3 times i`ve travelled have not had any problems. It just takes a few years off your life with stress.
Where did you read that Jesus had a hunger for human flesh? I must have missed that chapter.

You've missed something:
To be honest id avoid Paraguay. So corrupt, any irregularities in your documents and they wont allow you in unless you flash the cash. They drive like complete maniacs, the Argentines drive quite normal compared to the Paraguayans, add to the mix the odd cow, donkey that just casually wonders across the route. The roads usually have pot holes to swallow a small car and its said to be dangerous driving across country with foreign plates on. Although in the 3 times i`ve travelled have not had any problems. It just takes a few years off your life with stress.

Some years ago, I crossed the border from Clorinda in a used Toyota pickup with California plates. The first thing the Paraguayan customs official asked me was "Do you want to sell it?"

I've driven through Paraguay quite a few times, without ever being harassed by police or threatened by thugs. There's a certain innocence to Paraguayan corruption that's almost comic.

In any event, before visiting Paraguay, don't miss seeing Siete Cajas:

Probably the best movie ever to come out of Paraguay (not said sarcastically).