Travel From Ba To Posados

To be honest id avoid Paraguay. So corrupt, any irregularities in your documents and they wont allow you in unless you flash the cash. They drive like complete maniacs, the Argentines drive quite normal compared to the Paraguayans, add to the mix the odd cow, donkey that just casually wonders across the route. The roads usually have pot holes to swallow a small car and its said to be dangerous driving across country with foreign plates on. Although in the 3 times i`ve travelled have not had any problems. It just takes a few years off your life with stress.

Sounds like Formosa or Chaco province to me...

Either way sounds like I haven't missed much. I tried to get in but the Paraguayan consulate tried to extort $80 bucks from me to get me a "day visa" to cross. Needless to say we didn't want to see Paraguay that bad....but it was a bummer because my goal was to visit Brazil and Paraguay all in one trip. I had no trouble at "Paso de Los Libres" getting into "Uruguayana" Brazil for the day.....but Paraguacha.....

Iguazu was pretty neat....ate at one of the best "Parrilladas" I've ever had in all of Argentina while I was there....some years back now LOL
Sounds like Formosa or Chaco province to me...

Either way sounds like I haven't missed much. I tried to get in but the Paraguayan consulate tried to extort $80 bucks from me to get me a "day visa" to cross. Needless to say we didn't want to see Paraguay that bad....but it was a bummer because my goal was to visit Brazil and Paraguay all in one trip. I had no trouble at "Paso de Los Libres" getting into "Uruguayana" Brazil for the day.....but Paraguacha.....

Iguazu was pretty neat....ate at one of the best "Parrilladas" I've ever had in all of Argentina while I was there....some years back now LOL

No travelling across the border from Formosa to Paraguay there is a big difference in the roads. In Argentina most are good quality and the cattle are behind fences. You cross into Paraguay and the roads are all melted and huge holes and cattle, horses,etc just roam freely. Plus the Police are friendlier, they stopped us at a checkpoint and was asking me about life in Argentina for us even when he`s spotted our car document was out of date a month. When we got to Paraguay the police took one look and at our car and asked for $200us to continue.
No travelling across the border from Formosa to Paraguay there is a big difference in the roads. In Argentina most are good quality and the cattle are behind fences. You cross into Paraguay and the roads are all melted and huge holes and cattle, horses,etc just roam freely. Plus the Police are friendlier, they stopped us at a checkpoint and was asking me about life in Argentina for us even when he`s spotted our car document was out of date a month. When we got to Paraguay the police took one look and at our car and asked for $200us to continue.

I got busted and had to pay a "coime" on the border between San Juan and La Rioja on my travels back in 2007.....only cost me a 100 pesos and at the time my spanish was awful and I didnt know any better...