Trump’s Bad Plan to Make America Argentina Again


Oct 9, 2007
There's no "technique" that Argentina is applying right now, that no other household has performed to reign in it's excessive spending and trim costs. The article fails to mention that Trump and Milei are at opposite ends regarding liberating markets, protectionism, tarriffs and import/export taxes. The truth is Trump would love Argentina's government and Milei vice versa...but neither would be happy because their respective countries require completely different economic models. The day BRICS or some other reserve currency appears and the world has no inherent need to buy overbought treasury bonds, America will rapidly walk in Argentina's footsteps of a bewildered population in denial of their lost fame, clamoring for bread & circus as they circle the drain of spending restraints.
"Make America Argentina Again" - Nothing to do with Milei really, but I wonder if many people are thinking what I'm thinking about Trump: as a kind of "American Perón". The brutish, macho nationalism is there, but also the contradictory expectations he arouses among his MAGA support base on one hand, and big business on the other, which I've seen described as "the octagon versus the putting green". A worst-case scenario involving import substitution tariffs > inflation > intervention of the Federal Reserve to stop it raising interest rates > bond market confidence crisis, could end up looking like a very argentine shitshow.