Trump's Cuban Refugee Policy?


Apr 1, 2014
Could there be any changes in the offing for the US Cuban refugee policy under Trump?
Maybe the "Wet Feet,Dry Feet" policy is in for some modification.In Costa Rica they'll probably be happy about that.
They usually have some 4,000 Cubans exciles from Fidel's Workers' Paradise waithing to get to the US.
Let's hope Trump doesn't copy Australia's policy for refugees arriving by boat
.See-BBC News Why Australia's Aysylem Policy is controversial
I have no idea but I am curious to know how many "Latinos" voted for Trump. I assume a lot of Florida Cubans voted for Trump.

Another question is will the US ambassador be replaced? And what is the Trump position toward Argentina likely to be? Macri was hasty in favoring Hillary.
Please read Sybil Rhodes latest article in the BAHerald on line: "Trump Harnesses Anger But Future of US Is Unclear"
Your questions are answered very well in it.She is expert.There is little I could add to her expertise.
I have no idea but I am curious to know how many "Latinos" voted for Trump. I assume a lot of Florida Cubans voted for Trump.

Another question is will the US ambassador be replaced? And what is the Trump position toward Argentina likely to be? Macri was hasty in favoring Hillary.
Trump has not yet realized that Argentina is a country.
54 % of the women voted for Trump... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Busch deported 2.8 MM illegal aliens, Obama 2.2 MM. The 2 to 3 MM announced by Donald yesterday in 60 minutes seems to be in line. :cool:
3 Million to be deported ?

thats more than 8 thousand a day in year one.......

Is this possible?
Trump has not yet realized that Argentina is a country.

Well he once said that if the US doesn't deal with its debt problem the country could become another Argentina or Venezuela, so maybe he is a bit more aware! He also has business in Uruguay - constructing a twenty-five story residential tower in Punta del Este where you can be sure Argentines will buy apartments.
I just read the Herald article by Sybil Rhodes. She doesn't mention the many points Trump has in common with Sanders: opposition to international trade pacts, to manufacturing abroad and to outsourcing, criticism of Wall Street and big banks, a desire to clean up corruption in Washington etc. If Trump did not have such an odious personality and had he not made some of his more outrageous comments, he could have expanded his voter base. . The irony is that Hillary portrayed herself as progressive yet she was tied to Wall Steeet, big banks and other Establishment interests.