Turkey Bacon

That I've seen, actually.

Me, too, but I think we bought out their canned salmon supply last year. Haven't seen any in BA, but we did find canned salmon on the Francisco buquebus!!

About the turkey bacon, I haven't seen it. Turkey (pavita) is hard to find except in the restaurants that serve sandwiches. I think A'Manger sells turkey; maybe check with them if they would consider asking their supplier. I'm intrigued to know if they'll understand what you are asking for.
Believe it or not, they make a mean turkey miga sandwich at La Opera https://plus.google.com/106051616208711341131/about?gl=ar&hl=en for Arg standards that is.
I buy the closest thing to us bacon I've found here at the disco by me. At the deli counter. I've never seen turkey bacon. But the jumbo in Escobar seems to have turkeys frozen year found. For a small fortune
How do I imagine breakfast at GS-dirtboy's... (after he comes back from the States with his bacon supply)

Or real bacon, for that matter?
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]In Palermo:[/background]

[background=yellow]Really good bacon can be had at the organic[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] [/background][background=yellow]chicken[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] guy at end of mall on Jeronimo Salguero across from Velvet on Guimes square. You can buy the slab or he will hand slice it for you.[/background]

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]T/[/background]
Or real bacon, for that matter?

Best bacon from the supermarkets is from carrefour, cant remember the brand. But they only usually have two brands and the other is paladini , which is generally just salty fat with a hint of meat.
Best bacon from the supermarkets is from carrefour, cant remember the brand. But they only usually have two brands and the other is paladini , which is generally just salty fat with a hint of meat.

Here they sell "panceta ahumada" (smoked bacon) and "panceta salada" (salty bacon). I don't know what the salty one is for, I think I'd just put it in a soup... The other one is the kind I use for cooking pasta alla carbonara and similars. We have the neutral one in Italy (nor salty nor ahumada) and it is called "pancetta dolce" (lit. sweet bacon) but I have never found it here.
Turkey is easy to find we ordered 2 from different places this year for turkey day, you just have order it a little in advance to get nice ones from Cordoba, the brazilian ones at the grocery stores are really salty. Passable bacon can be found at most of the big supermarkets. Turkey bacon I've never seen. If you want sweeter bacon just toss some brown sugar on it before you bake it!
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