UK Blackberry


May 24, 2010
Hi all,

Moving out to BA from London in a month for a year or more. I was here a few weeks ago for a holiday and made a huge mistake using my Blackberry to make a few calls. So I will now suspend UK contract, unlock my BB, and hunt for a SIM card out here, which I would use for a very few local calls, some texts, plus I probably don't need data services, provided I can still get wi-fi for free around the place as I need email access.

Any advice? Do I need to contact my UK provider for any ID/numbers??

I read several threads about US blackberrys - have any UK users of blackberrys had other experiences? I'm on orange in London.

Any advice appreciated,
Thanks in advance!!!:)
you can also get your BB unlocked on the internet. just do a search. there are a lot of sites which sell unlock codes for $10 or so. Or you can call your UK provider (Orange) and tell them you are traveling abroad and need the unlock code. They should give it to you for free.
here is a link on how to enter the unlock code
there are lots of How-To's about this on the internet. do a search
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