Urgent help on inquiline laws


Jan 16, 2011
Last friday I had some friends over to meet up in my apartment before we went out. We were about 10 people total. We had a few drinks, perhaps talked a little loud. I had some music on but the volume was low, and you could barely hear anyway because someone else in the same building had a full blast party with really loud music, which was on since 9pm and was still blasting when we left.

I had previously had problems with my landlady. Because she comes unannounced to "clean" with the cleaning lady and just opens the door on whatever day she wants. One time I was naked, getting dressed and she just opened the door. The other time she opened the door without announcing herself nor ringing my bell to bring me an armoire, i was sleeping and in my pjs, and she just came in with two men.

She had previously complained about me to my realtor. Saying that I had drugs in the apartment which is not true. And she also said that I'm an alcoholic just because I have bottles of alcohol in the apartment.

After last friday, she came today unannounced and said that I had to leave tomorrow because there was a noise complaint. To my understanding on fridays and saturdays you can be loud until 2 am, which was when we left. She also says that there is a report that there was puke all over the hallway and stairs, which is not true. No one was drunk. And she says that one of my guests peed on someone else's car, which she later changed to puked on someone else's car.

I paid my rent in advanced, I paid for 4 months and 10 days and she doesn't want to give me my money back. I have been here a little less than a month. She says she has to cover the expenses I caused her. Because supposedly because of my supposed "havoc" the administration prohibited her to rent the apartment and now she will be forced to sell it. Also, the contract doesn't say I can't smoke in the apartment and it came with three ashtrays (she even has them written down on the inventory). She also saw me smoke and never said anything nor complained. Now she says she has to charge me because this is a non-smoking apartment.

I was just wondering if anyone here nows about laws her and if what she is doing is legal.
Hi, I am a local attorney.
You should change the lock at once. She is breaking criminal law if she enters your home without permission. They just use the same lock but they change the combination. I suggest you go to the police station regarding the illegal trespassing.
She cannot kick you out just like that.
If she has issues with the consorcio, this is her business, not yours.
Call me if you want:
I am sorry, got no smart advise to give you, but just wanted to say I sympathize... what a bitch! Good luck!
Change the locks and speak to a lawyer. She's in a far more precarious situation than you are, don't let her bully you.
Who is this 'Land lady' fron hell? Mind posting her details here? Maybe we are all going to get very curious about her track record with other tourists before you. She sounds like a nightmare & a thief.

jp said:
Change the locks and speak to a lawyer. She's in a far more precarious situation than you are, don't let her bully you.