The real reason that Argentina can't buy planes or tanks from many western nations is because Argentina has this habit of not paying after buying, for instance, did you know that Argentina never paid the UK for the ARA Hercules and the ARA Santisima Trinidad?two type 42 destroyers built in the UK( Hercules) and built here but equipped by UK in 1980 (Trinidad) , this among many other weapons deals gone sour with western powers.
Just leave it to an Argentine to play victim and they'll convince you the world is against them.
And yes, military coups were backed by America same as the guerrilleros were backed by Cuba and every commie known to man that wanted to dip their hands in Latam. so..... boo hoo if the commies lost, maybe just maybe that's why a republican democracy still exists around here, only God knows what would've happened if the guerrilleros had won.
Perhaps, buying and paying would be a more simple way of doing business instead of letting foreign powers build bases on their territories.