US ex pats that married Argentine Citizen help

Sam Bartolo

Jul 19, 2022

Im going to be moving to argentina and marry Argentine Citizen. Im US Citizen. I'll be retiring so Ill be living off my SS and savings. Do I have to show income to get married? I dont see it on the list of documents required.
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Hello, Sam. I’m also a US citizen who married an Argentine citizen in CABA 11+ years ago. You don’t need to show any proof of income, though if you’ve been married before, I imagine you’ll need to show proof that you are currently legally single.

However, I don’t know if you and your fiancée will still be required to submit a blood test a few days before the wedding ceremony to show that you are negative for syphilis (FYI - apparently it doesn’t prevent you from getting married in the event either of you test positive, go figure 😛).

Mazel tov on your upcoming wedding!
Heya, VV! Long time no talkee. How have you been?

Sam, you picked a hell of a time to come to Argentina, but grats on your upcoming wedding.
Thank you!
Do i need BC apostled and FBI aposteled, while on topic? Blood test are still required for sure (funny seems to be norm, required but not required)
Yes for sure I feel like im in the rabbit hole.

Thanks for Congrats
Heya, VV! Long time no talkee. How have you been?

Sam, you picked a hell of a time to come to Argentina, but grats on your upcoming wedding.


Ive been in my madness, this is like the most complicated thing Ive ever done in my life, its consumed me!

Im down to a few more questions then time to stop and chill!

She just left Miami :(.

Is there ever a right time?

If I wait any longer, I won't be here!

I look forward to the change, coming in March for short trip.

In what way? Tell me more if you can

if you are chasing an argentine, surely you are aware by now of some of the drama of the country :) rapidly increasing inflation, politics, how to get the blue rate or one of the 13 different exchange rates, etc. but in all its madness, it has many positives!
if you are chasing an argentine, surely you are aware by now of some of the drama of the country :) rapidly increasing inflation, politics, how to get the blue rate or one of the 13 different exchange rates, etc. but in all its madness, it has many positives!
Being an expat in Argentina is like being a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.
if you are chasing an argentine, surely you are aware by now of some of the drama of the country :) rapidly increasing inflation, politics, how to get the blue rate or one of the 13 different exchange rates, etc. but in all its madness, it has many positives!
Inflation here in US as well like a dozen eggs, almost $3.00 talk about Polotics! You have the M&Ms. Massa and Messi!