Us University Vs. Argentine University?


Sep 29, 2013
For those of you who have studied abroad how does studying in Argentina compare to studying in the US? I am doing an International Business and Finance degree and am curious as to whether I'll find study in Argentina to be more or less intense (in public university)? Any information would be very helpful.
I studied at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) which is ranked #3 top univesity in Latin America. I also studied at a state university in Louisiana. Overall, I'd say that the state university blew UNICAMP out of the water. Argentina's top university (UBA) ranks #11 on the LATAM list.
camberiu, what about the University fell short for you? Did you still gain the information necessary?
camberiu, what about the University fell short for you? Did you still gain the information necessary?

Let' see:

- Dilapidated facilities and laboratories.
- Frequent strikes or classes interrupted by student protest.
- Most teachers were researches who hated to teach, but were forced to do so in order to continue to have their research projects funded by the university
- Teachers would often show up late to class or not show up at all.
- The pact of mediocrity: Teachers would pretend to teach and students would pretend to learn, so the teachers would keep their jobs and the students would get their diplomas.
- Classes and subjects that were completely out of touch with reality and the real needs of the market.
- Classes are more political indoctrination than real classes.

We used to joke that if UNICAMP was ranked #3 we would not even want to see what #4 looked like.
With all due respect, UNICAMP is in Brazil. I studied briefly in UBA and know a lot of people who studied there in various fields. I would say they are all well prepared professionals (and Argies tend to do quite well in their professions abroad), part of why the are well prepared is that as mentioned above the system is designed to weed out the week. Anyone with a HS degree can enter, but less than 30% graduate. Also some schools have really crappy facilities so this make studying harder and you get used to adversity. Also many students work full or part time. The economics campus at UBA is very nicely maintained, however.
Can you be more specific, are you comparing UBA with Berkley or with U Miss?
With all due respect, UNICAMP is in Brazil. I studied briefly in UBA and know a lot of people who studied there in various fields. I would say they are all well prepared professionals (and Argies tend to do quite well in their professions abroad), part of why the are well prepared is that as mentioned above the system is designed to weed out the week. Anyone with a HS degree can enter, but less than 30% graduate.

UNICAMP and the entire university system there is designed to weed out the weak. That might mean that they all have exceptional students, but that does not make them good universities.
A lot of the digital signal compressing algorithms currently used on HD TV transmissions worldwide came from UNICAMP students. That did not happen because UNICAMP was an extraordinary school in itself, but because its admission system is so obscenely hard, that only the most persistent, hardened and driven students in a country of 200 million people would get in.
The fact that you are a successful professional and attended UBA speaks more about you than UBA.
The five Nobel Prizes Argentina had, are and were deeply linked to UBA. All of them studied at public university, some ended being UBA proffesors. One of them was a proffessor of mine this year in my facultad.
If that doesnt give prestige to the institution, what.