Use Student Work Exchange


Nov 3, 2009
Has anybody had experience with this outfit, or know anyone who has?

They are a company that recruits foreign students (specifically) to work in the US for seasonal work, at places like ski resorts, during US wintertime. Looks like a professional outfit and I've seen some comments about them in other places, but if anyone here has direct experience, or knows someone who has, I'd sure like to hear something from you all.

My eldest sister-in-law is applying to do this and I'd like to feel a little more comfortable that she won't be flying off into a great big unknown at some point. They look really great, are responding very professionally so far, very open and up-front with lots of videos and such for information. She's passed her English qualifications and will be doing interviews with US company representatives here real soon.

I'm not really too worried, but being a worried "father" it would be nice to have some external confirmation :)
They are legit. I have friends here whos' kids used the service and they had a great experience. Also my sister ran the show at Keystone Resorts in Colorado and they hired allot of kids from Argentina for the ski season. The kids do not make big money but they get some international experience, have some fun, do allot of skiing/snow boarding and improve the English.