I live with Venezuelan refugees. 363 on average enter this country every day. 130000 a year. 10 000 leave Venezuela every day. 7 million have left the country so far. They support the 28 millions, now living in Venezuela. If you do not have a relative outside Venezuela to feed you, you will die. Venezolanos get precarias as soon as they get here and start working immediately. In Chinese shops for instance, where they work 357 hours per month to one and a half dollar per hour. But it's easy to get jobs and they get better jobs after a while.
The ones I know, are intelligent, young, bright and have a tremendous energy. They are positive, fun and do not hang on to the past. They walk forward. Venezuela is loosing it's future.
They are generally treated well by argentinians as far as I have heard, because they come here to work. That is a lot different from Sweden, that soon has one million Syrian refugees with the upcoming family reunions, that receive welfare and apartments. Sweden has 10 million inhabitants.