Visa Run = Fake Tourist = Permatourist Deported At Ezeiza

Dr. Christian, can you guide me to where in law Nº 25.871 and/or in Decreto 616/2010 it says that the 180 days is within one year (or 12 months)?

You should ask this to an immigration attorney ;)

I believe It is implicit. The deadlines are regulated by the Civil Code that specifies that they are a) day b.) Month c) year unless the law specify something different.
So, if the law doesn t mentioned, you apply the CC and it is a year deadline (plazo).
In which countries are argentines treated badly when they enter?
sorry for the dealy but I am just back. I can give you an extended list because I have traveled for the past 30 years a minimum of 4 times a year to the US etc etc. I have seen in border crossings before September 11 Muslims being yelled at and treating them like real crap and yes, beofre Sept 11....and I just got a comment from an immigration official in the US about how gutsy I was to travel to some countries....when he was obviously of Asian descent and with this comment he was offending his own next of keen. I just returned from Italy where they do the same with "Africani." I could write a book on stories, thus my little tolerance for complaining
Millón = Million
Mil millones = Billion
Billón = Trillion

So, they use it, but it just doesn't mean the same thing. ;)

But don't worry. Even Queen Máxima gets confused. According to her, the world's population is 5.4 trillion. .
Yes they use it and it definitely doesn't mean the same thing.......can you imagine the Argentine Space Program .Million is billion , billion is a trillion. Sorry we only missed UR Anus by a billion miles or so.
Why is she exempt from the fee?

Does her Argentine passport show her place of birth as Argentina?

Does she also have an Argentine passport or just a DNI?
Us passport states your place of birth.....pass Go and do not pay
In the US., The rules also state that an immigration officer can deny you entry because he is in a bad mood that day. Even if you have all paperwork and can prove everything without a doubt. Immigration in the U.S. has got to be one of the most boneheaded immigration systems in the world. If my wife and I decide to immigrate to the U.S., my wife will have to pay U.S. $1500. For a piece of paper. The system is broke and will not be fixed in the near future with anything logical.

Thanks to Mr. Boehner and his "base."
Well then, a dark skinned racist I must be ;-) Hola Nikad, con todo respeto yo entiendo a donde vas con tu comentario pero por favor no me pintes con esa 'tinta' del racismo. Una cosa es ser racista , otra es quejarse de la migración descontrolada.

Mirando el sujeto, la viveza criolla, os Argentinos se aprovecha de eso lado descontrolada en el norte del pais para fines de lucro.
La presidenta hable de el problema a la mano pero no hace un carajo...
When I travel with my wife, sometimes I get treated with remarkable suspicion by the aggressive border agents. One time I had some moronic agent tell my wife she needs to change her last name to mine (when you marry, your last name doesn't change in Argentina). In the U.S., you just send in a paper and your name gets changed. In Argentina, changing your name is a serious, difficult matter. I find people's comments from the U.S. about immigration to sometimes be extremely ignorant. Those in the government that oppose immigration got some things they wanted, and those that want looser immigration got some of the things they wanted when they made the laws. The result is something completely schizophrenic.

Agreed. Not sure if you've been keeping tabs lately but the US southern border is wide open. Over 60,000 people have crossed in just 9 months. They're being fed, clothed and handed bus tickets to the interior of the country. It's a disaster.