Voter Registration For New Argentine Citizens

This information is for recent naturalized citizens who want to vote in the upcoming election. The registration deadline is April 25.

If you live in the capital federal, go to the court building at Tucuman 1320 (open 7,30-13,30 hs). Take the stairway down to the lower level. A guard will inquire about your visit and direct you to Room1096 - Secretaria Electoral -- Consultas de Padron/Reclamos are handled. The woman at the first desk on the right checks the voting register online. Documents to bring -- your DNI and Carta de Ciudadania (although I had only my DNI). I went to this office two years ago before the first city election for new mayor.

It was worth the trip today. I learned that I was finally added to the voting register in September 2015. When I asked the reason why it took two years to be listed, she said, "that's because the US Consulate had to provide us with your background check first." I don't accept that reason since background checks were provided to the court for granting citizenship. The US Consulate isn't involved in any part of the Argentine citizenship process in the court. How could I be granted citizenship if I didn't have a clean record? How could I be issued a DNI within ten days after taking the citizenship oath and receiving the Carta de Ciudadania? The wheels turn very slowly. I didn't vote in the six elections in 2015, though I was eligible since July 2013.
You can always vote at the Camara Electoral at 25 de Mayo 155 I think.
I will finally get to vote for the first time as a naturalized citizen on August 13. I asked a friend about voting hours and how the PASO works so I'm prepared. Campaigning started a week ago.
If you want to find the location where you vote, go to https://padronelecto...itivo-2017 then enter your DNI, etc. and press "consultar." The results provide the name of the building, street address, table number and order number for voting on August 13.