Wanted: US power strip, adapters - Giving away some


Feb 3, 2008
If anyone has an extra US power strip or a universal power strip that takes US plugs, I would appreciate it. I have a converter and forgot to bring a power strip to plug into it to convert my 110V electronics. Or, I'd appreciate if someone could recommend where to buy one (Jumbo and Easy did not have them).
I also was wondering where to buy the WA-16 and #2 adapters (see below).
Also, if anyone needs any WA-10 adapters (see photo below), let me know. I have 4 extras and they do not work in my apartment.

You can go just about anywhere in Capital where they sell power strip that will take US plugs. I hope this helps.
"Mike1" said:
You can go just about anywhere in Capital where they sell power strip that will take US plugs. I hope this helps.
Thanks, I found those, but I need a US power strip. That seems to be the only one with a US input plug. (the universal ones all have Argentina inputs) I need this to plug into my transformer and it only has a US plug.
I don't mean a universal plug only, there are places that has power strips which has universal plugs. Just look at the pic, to the right, that is a US plug, to the left is the plug that is used here.