Bairesgirl Registered Joined Jun 11, 2006 Messages 397 Likes 41 Dec 8, 2010 #11 Roxana, will be there, see you there......
C chilady Registered Joined Dec 7, 2010 Messages 35 Likes 3 Dec 8, 2010 #12 Hey Roxanna, I have a question for you but I can't pm you---seems you have it turned off. Can you email me? [email protected] Thanks!! Alyssa
Hey Roxanna, I have a question for you but I can't pm you---seems you have it turned off. Can you email me? [email protected] Thanks!! Alyssa
H HowardinBA Registered Joined Oct 21, 2009 Messages 1,498 Likes 163 Dec 8, 2010 #13 OK see you there
R Roxana Registered Joined Sep 28, 2010 Messages 1,211 Likes 370 Dec 8, 2010 #14 Alyssa, I already sent you an email and a PM. I got the message from baexpats that your account has disabled the PM feature. I am looking forward for your answer. I see you all at 4pm.
Alyssa, I already sent you an email and a PM. I got the message from baexpats that your account has disabled the PM feature. I am looking forward for your answer. I see you all at 4pm.
H HowardinBA Registered Joined Oct 21, 2009 Messages 1,498 Likes 163 Dec 8, 2010 #15 I,ll be there about 4.15-4,30....