Western Union money transfer

MG 100% fee code RAF6SKQNTD
Cash pickup rate 262
Account transfer rate 245?
No $5 fee for $400 Transfer July 6th
Status - maybe works- can’t confirm the mobile phone number because contact is sleeping stateside (7am here = around 4 am California) will try later
fuck yeah?.....no wonder Gringos are sometimes thought of as idiots.

Now, now, let's not be harsh. I found it to be entirely appropriate - terse and succinct, but eloquent in its own spare way, with the earthy appeal of the Old Anglo-Saxon word "fuck", and the simple, enthusiastic approbation of "yeah". It is a small celebration of our rich Anglophone heritage, laden with sincerity and simple joy. What's not to like?
is jblaze an alias for Jordan Belfort and the wolf of wall street....pumping and dumping pesos!