Western Union money transfer

FX: 1.00 USD = 890.2500 ARS
Fee: 32.99 USD

Western Union has had a jump from 852.00 to this 890.25
Blue sitting at 900
I spoke with one of the people at an Exchange store and they
really do not know what is going to happen. On the first round
they actually closed on the prior Friday for Blue was all over the
place. They are closed Monday for the Holiday.
Buckle up, the roller coaster ride continues.
You must be this HIGH to take this ride.
On the subject of WU transfers the Main Office at Montevideo and Cordoba recently pays the transfers sometimes in $500 peso bills, plus they hand out bill packages sealed by Brinks Security , Without counting them thru the Bill counter. ..? I objected and was denied the counting of six bill packages..? what's One to do..? Can you complain once Home..? hehehhe
On the subject of WU transfers the Main Office at Montevideo and Cordoba recently pays the transfers sometimes in $500 peso bills, plus they hand out bill packages sealed by Brinks Security , Without counting them thru the Bill counter. ..? I objected and was denied the counting of six bill packages..? what's One to do..? Can you complain once Home..? hehehhe
Where are the fucking $2,000 peso bills?! So annoying.
Visa seems to often take a few days to catch up, so especially for large purchases it can sometimes be better to avoid Visa or wait for another day when the rates are more closely aligned. My latest credit card statement hasn't generated yet, but looking at last month's statement, Visa was at 690 for a small transaction on October 2nd, when WU was at 822. I recently bought a 4K TV for 219.999 pesos using my Visa card (thankfully on a different day when the WU and Visa rates were more closely aligned), but had it been on October 2nd, the difference between a 690 exchange rate and a 822 exchange rate is about $50 USD, which isn't insignificant.

Back on October 12th, I transferred 400.000 pesos to myself via WU when the rate was at 927. I had a gut feeling the rate was going to drop again after the general election, which it did (Visa went back down to the high 700s for a bit - I used my Visa on Mercado Libre two weeks later on October 28th and the rate was 786). So for the past few weeks, the cash I pulled out from Western Union almost a month ago at 927 has been paying for nearly everything and saving me quite a bit over Visa.
Hello! You said you used your foreign visa card on Mercado Libre? I haven't been able to use a foreign credit card on Mercado Libre - what's the catch? Thanks!
FX: 1.00 USD = 871.6500 ARS
Fee: 32.99 USD

Blue rises,
WU drops.
This is a $500.00 info request hence this fee.


As of12:59 PM EST 11/15/23.


And the Official rate climbs almost $3
And for those interested in the Gambling communities odds for President

Milei $130-100
Massa $110-100

The odds opened at 4-1 Massa
Hello! You said you used your foreign visa card on Mercado Libre? I haven't been able to use a foreign credit card on Mercado Libre - what's the catch? Thanks!

I created a Mercado Libre account and somehow it works with my U.S. Visa card. Whenever I make a purchase it prompts me for my DNI and I use my U.S. passport number minus one digit. When I go to my Mercado Libre profile, in "mis datos," I have entered my name under "Nombre eligido" only, otherwise the name, documento and telephone sections are blank. Mercado Libre prompts me to "validate" my data, which I always decline to do. I think I tried my Mastercard first and had issues. But now my Visa card is saved and when I try to make a purchase I only have to enter my fake DNI and my three-digit Visa security code. Can't tell you exactly what I did to make it work, but I played around with it long enough that I somehow got around their checks. Ran into the same problem with Mercado Libre in Colombia and just played with various settings until it went through. Sort of silly that you have to go through such an arduous process just to order a bottle of body wash or whatnot.
Hello! You said you used your foreign visa card on Mercado Libre? I haven't been able to use a foreign credit card on Mercado Libre - what's the catch? Thanks!
Try via Mercado Pago first, then it may work. I can use mine without issue, but chose not to

Blue peso rate mushroomed to 975-995 minutes ago on DolarHoy. Lets see whether it holds abd if WU follows.
WU doesn't follow the Blue, the blue could go to 2K tomorrow, but if the CCL libre stays around 875 it won't move

Where are the fucking $2,000 peso bills?! So annoying.
Being rejected from ATMs months after they came out apparently lol. None of my banks' ATMs take the new 1K or 2K bills. Husband tried yesterday, he asked if they were fake and I told him nope, ATM just won't take any of the news ones.