What a great variety of food! I'm yawning.......


Jul 31, 2007
Someone just handed me a lunch "special menu":

Albóndigas c/puré o arroz
Pastel de papas
Arroz con pollo
Canelones c/salsa mixta
Pastas c/salsa mixta ó bolognesa
Tortilla de papas o verdura c/ensalada (wow salad!)
1/4 pollo deshuesado
Riñoncitos a la provenzal c/puré
Hamburguesa casera caprese al plato c/papas fritas
Milanesa c/ guarnición
Suprema c/ guarnición
Seems to me like I've seen these meals offered at one other restaurant.

But what are rinconcitos? They seem pretty special.
Riñoncitos are Kidneys, and they are offering them with garlic and parsley.......ick!!
Jajaja, I thought it was strange I had never heard of rinconcitos. :)
If you want they will probably make riñon empanadas from the left over riñoncitos!
Well, that would be too risqué!!! (by the way, I´ve never tried riñoncitos)

Empanadas de carne is my bet.
Ther riñóncitos are awesome "al verdeo" (with spring onions cooked on white wine.

But the same with mollejas is as good as unhealthy, like every good thing in life.
Meat Deefeater and Potato Mashroom are tangled in a head-to-head, all-or-nothing final sprint for the finish line, with Pasta Mafia coming third at a close distance. Chicken Winger and Arroz Arousal are almost out of the dispute, yet not giving up hope. Who's going to win the 2011 Buenos Aires Menu Cup?

Man, you say you're yawning? What's wrong with you?? Can't you see the EXCITEMENT???
