steveinbsas said:
One question for Validitorian: Have you ever visited Buenos Aires, or is this all a computer generated fantasy? If the latter is the case, I'll have to agree with fishface and suggest a visit before getting serious at all about a move. Quite a few individuals have "moved" to BA without having ever even spent a day here. I daresay that only a few find the haven they were hoping for, though many of us do love it here. But even a holiday can create a false positive (impression, that is).
It takes time to find the good and the bad here. There's plenty of both.
There's good and bad everywhere, such is the way of the world. Right now, I am doing research (and have been doing for a few weeks now) - I'm not one to jump into things without testing the waters first, but I'm also not one to be scared into inaction due to the "unknown."
In the net-enabled world we live in, there are very few things you can't do remotely, and visiting a foreign country is something I believe you can do adequately if you do the right research. The things I can think of that I don't get to experience without being there:
- Language Barrier - It will be difficult to communicate without knowing Castellano, but not a deal-breaker as all 3 of us will begin taking lessons immediately. I will also arrange a concierge, as I did when I visited Brazil for 2 months.
- Some parts of culture - How will we fit in?
Honestly, I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else that I can't find out from the internet. I am also a "glass-half full" kind-of guy. What's the worst that can happen? Everything that is a consequence of moving can either happen to me right now with the same ramifications, or can be easily remedied. If I lose my job, I will find another one. I am in a small enough niche to be able to get a job very quickly, without it being so small that nobody needs it.
There are pros and cons to every decision, and of course I will weigh them all against each other. The fact remains that the worst that can happen isn't as bad as the best that can happen. If we end up not liking Argentina for whatever reason, we'll move. Will we potentially lose some money? Of course, but what if we fall in love with it? I would be losing money if I "test" BA by buying 2 plane tickets (my wife would insist on coming, of course) and then returning just to go right back.
That's my philosophy at least. If yours is different and it works for you, more power to you. In the end, though, I'm not one to fret about the "what-if"'s - I'll just do what I have always done - deal with them when they happen, because they are unavoidable.
Inaction is just another form of action, and who's to say that wouldn't have a worse outcome?