What Are You Guys Doing To Watch Cable Television

You know, we're all made differently. Personally, I happen to like visual entertainment, even if it's not "deep." I want deep, I read. And I read a lot.

There seems to be this almost "politically-correct-like" attitude that because TV (and other visual media) are not "deep" that it rots the brain and causes all sorts of problems. Giving it up can be seen to some as something like being vegetarian (giving up meat) or trying to fix global warming by a system of carbon credits (never mind that it's a natural phenomenon that's good for the Earth and is definitely not anthropogenic).

People who are "rotten" by television are the same people who 100 years ago made the sign against the evil eye, and probably the same people who, if they read, read only pulp trash or the National Enquirer. Brain rotting by means of absorbing garbage on TV only changes the means of rotting, but the results are pretty much the same.

Sorry, don't mean to be rude, but the statement coming off that someone should go back to the States because watching programs in English, particularly programs one might have been following and wanting to continue following, would be seen as a priority worthy of returning...well, seemed a bit much to me, personally, as someone who reads a LOT (and a wide variety of subjects) and also watches television, even to the point of finding ways to watch series I'm interested in that aren't available here :)