What Do You Do Here?

Being 32 years old, I am not looking for a girlfriend 16 - 26 years younger though.

But what about a sugar mommy aged 48-58?!

I'm currently investing everything I have to create a small boutique hotel and puerta cerrada restaurant in Alto Palermo. Also finishing my first novel and retraining as a chef as there strangely isn't much demand for bankers here jajaja. In for the long term and after three years still love every day. Up till now I haven't experienced any of the hassles that everyone writes about (or at least have always found a quick way round) and hoping it will stay that way. Then again I've only got 15 builders and a bunch of providers to deal with and so far they all seem pretty efficient. Perhaps England isn't that first world though!
I am an artist and craftsman, but I only yo-yo down here a portion of the year, so I make my money in El Norte. I work when I am here, but the projects are in the USA.
I would like to teach blacksmithing here, though, the standard of craftsmanship has fallen a long way since the early 20th century, when some of the best craftsmen in the world were working here in many fields...

(and my wife is actually OLDER than I am- but since she is also from the US, I guess that doesnt count. Sometimes I think I am the only expat in Buenos Aires who dances with the one he brung)
Translator, working in a bathing suit nearby my pool, with my 6 dogs around & with a GF 26 years younger than me.

My life sucks


Its a well known condition called 'ABS' (Argentinian Babe Syndrome) in which otherwise normal men from other countries are unable to resist the charms of Argentinian women. Men who are afflicted with this condition move to Argentina and are quite happy. Like me.
I really need to learn some content management stuff! I feel I'm missing out on a lot of work not being up to speed on my coding.

Yeah well I feel like a bit of a dinosaur in the business these days -- it's hard to keep up with changes and keep working on projects at the same time! I had this whole plan that on my "maternity leave" (I work freelance, took 3 mos off full-time, 3mos part-time) that I would totally get on top of things... yeah that worked out! Anyway Joomla it depends -- I'm not a coder, ie don't do php etc -- so I do most of the front end design which comes down to a boatload of CSS. To be a good joomla coder you'd really have to dedicate time to it. We're a small operation so we usually work our joomla sites off of base templates that we strip down and redesign to our clients' specs and then it really becomes all about widgets... installing widgets for calendar events, forms, video/other media etc. I will be honest, as someone who enjoys doing the "make pretty pictures" part of design, I still find it a headache. With every site I do I am getting faster, but there's a certain moment when I feel like I'm just slogging through sheet after sheet of CSS and just want to die....