What is the most reliable weather app for Argentina?


Apr 10, 2019

What weather application are you using for Argentina? My main app is Accuweather on android phone and right now it gives a forecast like this.


At the same time the National Weather Service (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional) shows probability of rain Thursday afternoon.

I assume SMN provides more reliable local data, right? It looks like it doesn't have own app and doesn't provide a stable API, so the only place to see it is on their own site.
This feels like a more complex question than it appears. Do you mean weather for the whole of Argentina or just the part where you live or are travelling to? Do you need it for medical, scientific or aviation reasons or just to know which coat to put on when you go out? For my very ordinary needs I find the most appropriate site is the one that has a weather station right in my neighbourhood for pollen, pollution etc information and also has a wide network of stations for computing changes. In my corner of Buenos Aires I find weather.com works best (the data is sampled just a couple of blocks away) but in my home country, Weather Underground (wunderground.com) works better because they have a weather station on the hill opposite my house. When I lived somewhere else, bbc.co.uk/weather worked better.

this is the best site I've found here, but it's not as good as others in the US. I use this with a mix of Twitter accounts from local weather folk

radar coverage also sucks here in the country.
I trust https://www.smn.gob.ar/ the most for getting it right for when it is going to rain, for the 10-40% most of the time it is localised showers which may or may not hit your area. anything above 40% you can be sure it will rain.

It takes longer to check their site, but I always check it if there is something I will be doing that the rain will affect.