What Made You Come To Argentina?

I'm an evil outsourcing businessman who came down here to hire programmers, pay them a better rate than they can find here and charge more for their services in the States.

Then I met the woman of my dreams and fell deeply in love and got married. Didn't realize what marrying into a Paraguayan family entailed when we tied the knot, but it sure turned into a wild, fulfilling adventure!
I had been studying in the US in Wash DC for a year where I am a native of and just wanted something different so I thought a semester abroad would be the answer. I originally wanted to go to Colombia or Chile but they fell through due to the schools that offered a program. Argentina seemed cool so I applied for the program because I just wanted to go somewhere in Latin America that speaks Spanish. This was all last minute and I honestly had no idea what I was in for or what was going on. I was accepted to study at UB and about two months later I was off. I had just moved to Argentina in, with what was originally intercambio in the expecting that I would be ready to go back to the us in just a few months. However now I am looking to continue my education here and even though I do have those days when I miss things from the US I really enjoy the life here and cannot see myself returning to the US at least for a few years except to see family and friends of course. People complain about the country everyday (whats new) but to me its more what you take out of it, are bothered by, and let bother you. I also find a lot pf inspiration here as an interior design student that is possibly switching to Architecture. It is funny because before I left i always joked with people that I would continue my studies in Argentina however I never really believed that whole heartedly but now could not see myself leaving.
Was a cancer survivor and then lost my health insurance via a divorce. Couldn't get affordable private health insurance then (before Obama care) so knew I would need to become a healthcare exile. Tango is my dance and when I came for some workshops I realized this place didn't seem so foreign to me. And I learned that the healthcare was very good. The rest is history.....
Was a cancer survivor and then lost my health insurance via a divorce. Couldn't get affordable private health insurance then (before Obama care) so knew I would need to become a healthcare exile. Tango is my dance and when I came for some workshops I realized this place didn't seem so foreign to me. And I learned that the healthcare was very good. The rest is history.....

So, the Republicans sent you into exile.
Was a cancer survivor and then lost my health insurance via a divorce. Couldn't get affordable private health insurance then (before Obama care) so knew I would need to become a healthcare exile. Tango is my dance and when I came for some workshops I realized this place didn't seem so foreign to me. And I learned that the healthcare was very good. The rest is history.....
Wow, that must have been really hard! I am glad you have found a great new life here! Tango just seems to suck people in, doesn't it?
Was in my office the morning of 9/11 and from a short distance away saw the 2nd plane hit and within a couple of hours both towers collapse before my eyes. The fear and helplessness I felt being in New York City just made me want to flee at that moment. I stayed a couple of years after that even though I felt so unprotected and vulnerable. I first came here in 2003 after a friend had moved here, I loved it and felt at home the minute I stepped off the plane. I came back a few times after that and knew this would be home. In 2007 I came to stay and as some of you know, in October I am leaving.....I've had a great 7 years here but I feel it's time to move on...
Was a cancer survivor and then lost my health insurance via a divorce. Couldn't get affordable private health insurance then (before Obama care) so knew I would need to become a healthcare exile. Tango is my dance and when I came for some workshops I realized this place didn't seem so foreign to me. And I learned that the healthcare was very good. The rest is history.....

As a cancer survivor myself, healthcare is one of the biggest things that keep me from moving to the US in the future as I don't know what to expect.