do a search.... this has been mentioned many times.... it depends on where you are staying and what you are planning to do here.... but bring a good laptop but internet cafes are around, --- bring dollars, towels.. set of good sheets... a frying pan... favorite foods( ranch dressing, peanut butter pancake syrup for an example) and spices are a depends on what you can not live without.... but for only 5 weeks.... bring money and a jacket!!.. you will be fine but search some of the threads.... i think there are certain foods you will not find even a choice alcohol... if you love a certain whiskey or vodka it might not be here....
i remember when i first came the rental apartment i had sucked...i was so glad to bring a frying pan... since the one they had in the place looked like tin for the 1950s..i also like nice towels and a good set of sheets... but my first stay was for three months.....but maybe these are things you could care less about... good luck