redrum said:
sounds like you've got some anger management issues to deal with my friend.
unfortunately you are drinking heavy amounts of the kool aid. you internalize any attacks against obama as attacks against yourself. this is because you, like so many others, have been literally brainwashed by the mainstream media propaganda that is brand obama.
Dude, sometimes your ridiculousness is too good to be true! Thanks for making my day. Spanish class was tough this morning and I needed a good laugh!
You have been conditioned to believe that anybody who criticizes obama must be a racist.
Not at all. Rather I believe that people like you who are paranoid about Obama's IDENTITY are racists. Stick to his actual politics and trust me there's is plenty of disagreement to be had.
Oh, and I love the idea that I've been "conditioned" to believe this or that! It's like you're reading the script of Mel Gibson's "Conspiracy Theory" as you're typing your posts.
obama is more than just a man to you. he is a brand. you like him because of the way he makes you feel about yourself. you have emotional investment in him. this is why you get so emotionally upset whenever anybody makes what in your mind are outlandish accusations against your president.
Actually, I'm pretty much a straight up policy wonk with a robust sense of humor (in that I find people like you funny rather than pathetic). But I would like to give a shout-out to Mini for her point about CRAZY FUCKERS LIKE YOU being the real issue in American politics today.
first what you need to understand is that i am not a right winger as you put it. I am a political atheist. i believe in the constitution.
I love how right wingers always try to claim that they're not right wingers. Orwellian is a "socialist," JaredWB is a "libertarian," and you are an, um, "atheist"? Anyway, what you all have in common is that YOU CAUCUS WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY which means for all practical purposes you are on the wrong side of virtually every issue. The membership disclaimer is just part of your crazy hobo charm.
If you have read my previous posts then you know that I am not anti obama. I am against obama for the same reasons I was against bush.
Dude, I understand that you don't speak English very well. But please be aware that if you say in one sentence that you are "not anti obama" and in the next that you are "against obama" you come across as a little confused. To be against Obama is to be anti-Obama. That's what the word "anti" means.
Close Guantanamo - it's still open
True, dat. You are absolutely right to bring it up. So why not focus on the Gitmo problem rather than the nutty birth certificate nonsense or 16,000 IRS agent crapola? We could have a productive discussion, one in which we are likely to find much common ground.
Repeal the patriot act - he renewed it
Another good point, sort of. He campaigned that he would revise it, not repeal it. But it's true that he signed a one-year extension without revision, supposedly in order to make sure they get the law right when it becomes permanent. We'll see what happens.
Not use signing statements - he fully plans to use them
He PLANS to use them? Are you living in his head? He has already used them. Even so, when did he say he would never use them? Please post references for your claims. I'm not saying here that you are wrong, just that you need corroboration.
Stop wars abroad - he's increased them
Patently false and you know it. He promised to pull out of Iraq and expand the war in Afghanistan. He has done the later and is stalling on the former. If we're not out of Iraq by 2012 it's unlikely that he will be reelected.
Stop the stimulus bailouts - they only increased
You are confused. The bank bailouts (TARP) was one legislation, passed under Bush, and the stimulus package another, passed under Obama. Obama has consistently said he would continue to promote Keynesian stimulus spending to bolster the economy. Additional bailouts have never been rejected. And for better or worse he has always supported other corporate bailouts (like GM).
Again I repeat this is not an attack against obama. This has nothing to do with obama. the real banker agenda has never changed. The real enemies are obama's handlers, the faces you never see, the puppet masters, the crooks on wall st., the mega bankers, mega corporations et al. those are the ones we need to be fighting against, not ourselves.
This just sounds crazy. There is nothing wrong with criticizing the policies of a president or any other figure. In fact, it's a responsibility in a democratic society. But when you start up with the crazy shit - we'll that's just plain useless. Might as well talk about ferries dancing on the tip of your nose. If you want to help people, pick something like the Iraq war pledge and pick it apart in all it's complexities. The rest of it is just a waste of our time and believe it or not, yours too.