What's in season now?

There is a fruit that not many expats know about that is in season now and it is called Manga similar to Mango and it comes from Formosa and Missiones province. They are liquid gold and are 98% pulp with a glorious sweet taste.
There is absolutely no comparison with the tasteless mangoes we get here from Brazil .
Mangas are very long and Green skinned . They have a very intense yellow pulp. Try them and fall in love!
I saw them today and thought they were unripe mangoes . I will try them.Thanks.
Ooohhhh please tell, what is the word for okra? Where did you find it? I have sought it unsuccessfully for two years now.
Okra = chaucha turca, also quiabo or quimbombo. In Argentina I also heard it referred as bami, which actually is the name of a middle eastern stew based on okra and tomatoes. Not sure where to find it tough, but perhaps you can ask in a "verduleria" or in a middle eastern restaurant

I've seen it twice in barrio chino at asia oriental (on mendoza) this week and last! they're big and beautiful, about 12 pesos a packet which has about 15 or so. However yesterday I saw them at a different grocery store in barrio chino and they were super tiny and 15 pesos. TRY ASIA ORIENTAL FIRST.