What's K's next move?

El chabon said:
If she gets around 50% of the vote in 2013, she will have 2/3 and can do whatever she pleases.

This can't be a project for 2012, but maybe for 2013-2014.

Agree. Sorry, I mean right before the next round of "presidential" elections.
She has done it with Aerlineas as well, and it's costing the Argentines billions.

I forgot to add

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nicoenarg said:
Agree. Sorry, I mean right before the next round of "presidential" elections.

If she gets a huge win in 2013, that is the time to go for it.

I fully expect elections will be held in march/april instead of october, and Cristina got that power
chris said:
She is going to nationalize BAexpats!

I knew BAExpats was on the list. I had a feeling, I DID! Based on the fact that BAExpats generates billions in internet income!:rolleyes:
I think she's going to find it a bit tricky nationalising the two largest phone companies Telecom and Telefonica.
I don't know how much of either of these corporations the government own, but It would be interesting to watch the fireworks if she tried a YPF on either or both.
Having said that, the customer service from both of these providers is virtually zero or maybe even less.
Agree with the tricky part. If I am not mistaken (and this is a pure guess), Telecom and Telefonica are NOT considered a matter of national pride. However, my hunch is that she will go after them. Might not be the next thing because as others are suggesting, there are many other companies she could go after (like Metrogas, she will nationalize that because Axel's got his eyes on it).

Control oil, control electricity and gas, control communications network, etc and you have essentially put yourself in control of the every day lives and wishes of the populace. I am not saying that that is what she wants to do but that is the logical way to go if she wants to get her way today, next year and until the day she dies.

EDIT: I also want to say that the government at this point seems to be going after percieved cash cows. That's another reason I thought they might think of gobbling up phone companies.
'...NOT considered a matter of national pride...' must be the understatement of the year Nico. I'm on the floor at that one, lol.
And cash cows they certainly are, since the telecoms market in this country is a virtual monopoly.
But, I think total control IS what she wants, probably during this second term of her mandate.
Even scarier is the prospect of a change in the constitution which may potentially allow her to 'reign' indefinitely, although I understand that a change such as that would have to be out to the people in the form of a referendum.
I may be wrong, but I recall that Menem tried that stunt.
Its either

Change of constitution: 68% of both chambers
Referendum = 50% plus 1 vote of the valid vote

I am Guessing the First one is the most likely