What's K's next move?

El chabon said:
YPF is about empty the company, screw Euskenazi over and win some cheap populist points.

One of the first people who was demanded by Cristina to see her in was Euskenazi, there is some serious problem with them.

How many know the real story behind the Esaknazi / Kirchner fracas? I'd be interested to hear if it is the same one my insider Argentine friends have been telling me.
It's hard to guess... :p I don't even know what she's doing now in Angola. Is she after oil or diamonds?

Telephone companies are a possibility and so are other utilities. While everyone was talking about Cristina nationalizing YPF, Bolivia nationalized Red Electrica (power company.) :rolleyes: http://elpais.com/elpais/2012/05/01/inenglish/1335888747_118856.html

I certainly hope she doesn't pull a Chavez and decides the country needs her for another 10 years (or more.) The fact that people are wondering and scared of "what's next" is not a good sign. I expect tighter controls and crack downs in just about everything.

An arbolito was taken down on Florida St. and AFIP dogs are showing up on the streets outside cuevas.
GS_Dirtboy said:
How many know the real story behind the Esaknazi / Kirchner fracas? I'd be interested to hear if it is the same one my insider Argentine friends have been telling me.

Word is that Cristina is after the business her husband had(but not on paper) with mainly Euskenazi, Lopez and Baez.

Cristina is in a complicated situation but she can't lie on her declaracion jurada and her husband don't live anymore and might have taken some secret business dealings into his grave