When inflation is not really *inflation*

bigmike said:
http://www.inflacionverdadera.com/ seems like an interesting effort to truly quantify the inflation here in Argentina.

Interesting link. It lists an increase in the "canasta basica" of 32.2% - however, I don't understand whether this is just for 2010, or for the past twelve months.

Clarification, anyone?
Interior Minister Randazzo now admits that "some" prices have risen, and blames that on businessmen:

"hay un empresariado que en lugar de incrementar la oferta de bienes y servicios, sabiendo que la Argentina va a seguir creciendo, lo que hace es aumentos (en) los precios".

And Economics Minister Boudou states that neither INDEC nor the government are responsible for price increases (??), and blames businessmen, speculators and retailers.

"A los precios no los sube el Indec ni el Gobierno, sino los empresarios, especuladores y comerciantes".

Inflation is a scary thing, but the ineptitude of the gang in power is much scarier.

inflation is ambiguous......so why bother about it I know I pay more for things than four years ago....like double.....but me gas bill for two months was $19.....just over £3.....lecky was $35 ....cuase its subsidizzzzzzzed like transport.....
an econnimy that has subsides

only benefits a corrupt government.....like Labour in UK

sorry this should be on the political page suerte
I have read what you all have said and I have a question:

What causes inflation - in particular - what causes it in Arg?