Where can I find strong blue cheese and also sour cream?

So, this should be simple, but with so many things called cream, I have no idea which one is sour cream. Is there such a thing as sour cream here?...there are plenty of Russians and Ukrainians, so where is the sour cream?
Also, what is the strongest-tasting blue cheese here, and where do I find it? The ones I've tried are soooo mild...
Thanks for all your help.
Labneh comes closest to sour cream. Any lebanese deli will have it.
I often use greek style yogurt for sour cream. Not sure it’s widely available in BA and no idea of the local way of producing it. Worked in many European countries though. Just saw one in nueva tienda on Salguero.
I often use greek style yogurt for sour cream. Not sure it’s widely available in BA and no idea of the local way of producing it. Worked in many European countries though. Just saw one in nueva tienda on Salguero.
It's easy to make, though. Just make your regular yogurt - preferably with full-cream milk - then strain off the surplus whey through a straining bag. Voila! Greek yogurt!

It's a shame not to use the surplus whey so I add it to soups and casseroles - though perhaps not during this hot weather. Add it to bread recipes as a substitute for either the water or the milk content for a different texture and taste.