Where To Buy Socks?


Jul 24, 2013
after being yelled at too many times by some fashion conscious friends for wearing white socks, I went to alto palermo in search of some basic solid colored dark socks, and all I could find were crazy designed pairs, a few to choose from in each store, for $80-100 a pair.

Anyone know any place that sells a bunch of different socks and maybe a bit cheaper? Do they sell 6 packs of solid black socks like the ones I used to buy at Target back in the states?
after being yelled at too many times by some fashion conscious friends for wearing white socks, I went to alto palermo in search of some basic solid colored dark socks, and all I could find were crazy designed pairs, a few to choose from in each store, for $80-100 a pair.

Anyone know any place that sells a bunch of different socks and maybe a bit cheaper? Do they sell 6 packs of solid black socks like the ones I used to buy at Target back in the states?
This is something you should have learned in Junior High, I bet you wear your pants too short also!
I don't think you'll fix your reputation with your fashion conscious friends by just switching from white socks to black. They'll probs say something about the fabric next. They do indeed expect you to buy designer socks at $100 a pair since socks are accessories that compliments the rest of your outfit. My advice is to either get low rise socks that no one can see or shoes that don't allow sock to be seen, or both. Good luck!
Once Station sidewalks, or Corrientes Av.@Pueyrredon B)