You can try
Wise (formerly TransferWise). Wise exchange rates are generally good. You can change USD to EURO with Wise, and then transfer Euro to wherever you want.
If you want to do Euro to ARS (Peso), you can use Western Union.
It seems WU doesn't accept Wise virtual account numbers. However, you can open a bank account remotely in Portugal (Novobanco). E-residence can help get Portuguese Tax ID (NIF) and open bank account remotely.
Then, transfer Euros from Novobanco to WU, WU to ARS.
There is no transaction fee from Wise to Novobanco (or Novobanco to Wise).
However, Novobanco charges about 8 bucks per month to maintain a bank account.
E-residence also has some fees to open bank account/NIF. However, if you are earning Euros, then it's worth giving a shot.