where to purchase mace or pepper spray?

Iznogud said:
just provided what I think is useful and factual information.

I'm wondering.

Just exactly what is "useful" or "factual information" in your comment

Iznogud said:
No one gives a flying f**k.

Do you think that people here are?
1. informed
2. educated or
3. entertained

by you expressing your preferences or otherwise for mid-air intercourse?

And who elected you to act as general spokesperson on here anyway?

do try to string together a coherent sentence with some original thought or otherwise give us any evidence of latent intelligence instead of inflicting "everyone" with more of your bile and babble

gun crazy mental inadequates get removed from most civilised communities both in their interests and for the wider good.
And who might have elected you, may I enquire?

Way too fast to label people based on pretty much nothing, aren't you? Inadequate must be your middle name.

BTW, I love you too, Vill.
i seen one for sale just the other day in one of those campining/fishing/knives shops...
PhilinBSAS said:
And who elected you to act as general spokesperson on here anyway?
gun crazy mental inadequates get removed from most civilised communities both in their interests and for the wider good.

Beloved Führer,

I dare not contest you being The (self proclaimed-God chosen) Voice of Reason around here.

But please, stop labeling people you've never met and making removal threats, it really doesn't look good. Actually, it sounds really bad and unappropiate. Don't worry about keeping the civilised community mentally "pure". As a well educated adult, you should be able at least to ignore those whose opinions or expressions differ from yours.
Made a remark (or many) you disliked, let it go. Be a sport.

I'm just pulling your chain. Toraloo, Vill.
Iznogud said:
Beloved Führer, ....

.... it sounds really bad and unappropiate

I'm just pulling your chain. Toraloo, Vill.

I'm not German. I don't need a chain.

What is "toraloo" and Who or what is "Vill" ? At the risk of receiving back more incoherence I have to say this is also the first time I've come across the term "unappropriate"?

I did look it up and here is what it says ...


1. unappropriate The act of someone trying to say or write the word inappropriate but failing miserably and writes this word

How is the air-borne coitus going? Can you update us?

You misunderstand. I'm not pushing for your exclusion. You are freaky entertainment to the extent that it's the first opportunity I've had the chance to interact with a real below-intelligence gun-toting motor mouth.

I'm not your keeper. If you decide voluntarily to lock yourself away then maybe that's the first baby-step in your rehabilitation into normal society.

Comments? Something approaching an apology for your basic disrespect to someone you don't know; my posting an inoffensive question that is possibly of wider interest and then you thinking you can just bully and bluster your way like a playground lout? But maybe that's the way you always operate?

p.s I don't know you. Are you George Bush junior?
I typed a couple of words you found inappropriate (sorry for the mispell, you spelling nazi) and that provoques you into a litany of assumptions.

You have displayed severe fixations with guns, mental health, inadequacy, exclusion and of course bullying. Are you aware of that?

A certified sick puppy you are.

Have a nice obsessive life, I'll go now.
Still, it could be worse.
We could have flower and his power doing the rounds again, no offence meant Iznogud.
Iznogud said:
I typed a couple of words you found inappropriate ... and that provoques you into a litany of assumptions.

I'll go now.

Georgie junior now what makes me think that promise is empty?

Please please before you go let us all know how the elevated copulation is going??

Flying lessons are cheap I know where you can go and as for ladies (possibly optional?) of a persuadable mind ;) I've no personal knowledge but I dont for a moment doubt that a smart confident virile (when with your gun) articulate and knowledgeable chap like you knows where to find a flying partner.

I suggest you buy her/him/it a dictionary however to avoid unfortunate mistakes whilst mid-air and seeking to consummate - there must be one somewhere that translates Gibberish to English