Why Do So Few Expats Like Cristina ?


Jul 7, 2006
From this forum, I get the strong impression that Cristina is m-u-c-h less
favoured by expats than by Argentinians. (In other words, the % of
expats who like Cristina is much smaller than the % of locals who like her.)
I have my theories but would love to hear why you feel that difference
is so strong. Thanks.
For me it's the Thatcher effect, only worse.
CFK is a dictator in all but name and has created a culture of us and them that permeates through Argentina.
She is so detached from reality that it's difficult to know if she realises this herself.
Supreme arrogance, hubris,mendacious liar, thief and corrupt to the core.........I could go on.
Never in all the years I lived in my home country of England did I ever loathe a politician more.
Oh and her insidious invasions of our lives through her illegal use of the national network purely for propaganda purposes is pretty much the icing on the cake, if that isn't an oxymoron in itself.
To all those foreign residents that like her so much, why don´t you take her to England or USA and give her an almost unlimited power(like she had here for 8 years?)
I agree with gringoboy. Its those ridiculous evita balcony speeches to those weeping idiots that wind me up the most. Uk politicians and the royals are almost as bad - Bliar and Prince charles run cfk a close joint second
Because the great majority of this forum are people who work for Intelligence Agency, and Cristina goes against their interests. ;)
I don't see them so much as expats. They are rather mostly (relatively) upper income level, mostly white, mostly living in Cap Fed or thereabouts. That is not CFK's demographic. Of course there are exceptions, but in my experience that is the majority of expats on this site.

For all the FpV's talk of being inclusive, the politics here are still very class/identity based, and most expats seem to fall right in line with the demographics.

PS why is this in world politics instead of expat life? it has "expat" in the title for crissake.
Invasion of our lives through the use of television network....
Im not a fan of the businesswoman in question; but it s 2012 (ok 2015) who the heck is forcing you to use a TV?

In my universe it is Machri who invades my mind when I use youtube with shameless shameless ecobici propagada.
I don't see them so much as expats. They are rather mostly (relatively) upper income level, mostly white, mostly living in Cap Fed or thereabouts. That is not CFK's demographic. Of course there are exceptions, but in my experience that is the majority of expats on this site.

For all the FpV's talk of being inclusive, the politics here are still very class/identity based, and most expats seem to fall right in line with the demographics.

PS why is this in world politics instead of expat life? it has "expat" in the title for crissake.
EdRooney, thanks for your thoughts ! That´s along the lines of what I thought. Sorry if I put this post in the wrong category. I´ve been on boards that
like politics restricted to one place only. It seems that´s not the case here.