Why Does An Electric Kettle Cost 2 1/2 Times More Here?

No self respecting gaucho (or gaucho in the making) will have mate from an electric kettle and the right temperature for mate is 80 degrees ! Take notes boys and girls -_-
The main issue are monopolies:

No self respecting gaucho (or gaucho in the making) will have mate from an electric kettle and the right temperature for mate is 80 degrees ! Take notes boys and girls -_-

Yes but theres only 20,000 gauchos left, i`m following the masses personally, we now have a water dispenser that does both cold and hot. Saves having to keep buying kettles
every year.
No self respecting gaucho (or gaucho in the making) will have mate from an electric kettle and the right temperature for mate is 80 degrees ! Take notes boys and girls -_-

So , el studente , please explain all those hot water dispensing machines at gas stations ? Especially in the interior ? Gauchos ride up and never have to get off their horses ? ;)